Sunday, December 27, 2020

DIY Calendars for 2021 - Easel Style & Refrigerator Magnet

 BYE BYE 2020!!!

(If you are looking for December's Challenge CLICK HERE)

I'm sure we are all ready to bid 2020 farewell and hoping that 2021 offers a better tomorrow.  So to start off the new year I knew we would all need new calendars....and to help you out with that I have made a DIY calendar video.  I have also included a free calendar print out to use in making your calendar.  In my video I show how easy it is to make an easel style calendar for your desk and a magnet calendar for your refrigerator.  These are great for yourself or for gifts.

Here is a link to my video

Here is the calendar to print out.....just click on it then right click and SAVE AS to your computer.  When printing it out use the 8x10 print option as I explain in my video otherwise you will lose the edges of the calendar.

Wishing you all a


Thanks for stopping by and


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

December Challenge #36 & November Winner!!!


Welcome to Crafter's Castle December Challenge #36
As always our challenges are ANYTHING GOES

For this year, 2020, our challenges will be soley sponsored by Taylormadecards4u....YAY!!!  This means EVERY MONTH the challenge will be open WORLD WIDE!  

Sponsored prizes will be every other month starting with February's challenge.  The other months will be 
and maybe a surprise giveaway once in awhile!
Also in the months that we have a sponsored prize we will also have a theme.  To be eligible for that prize you will need to follow the theme, but everyone is still welcome to enter any creation of any theme.

This month's prize is....

A $10 GIFT CODE to Taylormadecards4u!!! 

If you use any digital products from Taylormadecards4u you will get an extra entry!!!  You will just need to include "TMC4U" in your entry title, and also in your blog post you must tell what TMC4U digital product you used and link to it.  
Awesome right!!!  
ALSO, if you would like to use a digital product from Taylormadecards4u, she has generously provided a discount code to receive 20% off your digital order!!!
Code is Crafterscastle

Please review the CHALLENGE RULES (see tab above)

I'm happy to announce November's winner of the

Special Delivery Christmas Digital Kit

Please contact Janie at
to claim your prize!!!
And here is a badge for you to proudly display

And now to announce the fabulous TOP 3 
in numerical order

I hope you proudly display your TOP 3 badge

And now for some inspiration from Crafter's Castle design team AND Taylormadecards4u design team!

Sunday, November 1, 2020

November Challenge #35 & October Winner

Welcome to Crafter's Castle November Challenge #35
As always our challenges are ANYTHING GOES

For this year, 2020, our challenges will be soley sponsored by Taylormadecards4u....YAY!!!  This means EVERY MONTH the challenge will be open WORLD WIDE!  

This month's prize is.... 

Special Delivery Christmas Digital Kit

NEW OPTION!  If you use any digital products from Taylormadecards4u you will get an extra entry!!!  You will just need to include "TMC4U" in your entry title, and also in your blog post you must tell what TMC4U digital product you used and link to it.  
Awesome right!!!  
ALSO, if you would like to use a digital product from Taylormadecards4u, she has generously provided a discount code to receive 20% off your digital order!!!
Code is Crafterscastle

Please review the CHALLENGE RULES (see tab above)

I'm happy to announce October's winner of the
Please contact Janie at
to claim your prize!!!
And here is a badge for you to proudly display

And now to announce the fabulous TOP 3 
in numerical order

I hope you proudly display your TOP 3 badge

And now for some inspiration from Crafter's Castle design team AND Taylormadecards4u design team!
The kit we are using this month is the

Now it's YOUR turn to inspire us!

Saturday, October 3, 2020

October Challenge #34 & September Winner!!!


Welcome to Crafter's Castle October Challenge #34
As always our challenges are ANYTHING GOES

For this year, 2020, our challenges will be soley sponsored by Taylormadecards4u....YAY!!!  This means EVERY MONTH the challenge will be open WORLD WIDE!  

This month's prize is....

NEW OPTION!  If you use any digital products from Taylormadecards4u you will get an extra entry!!!  You will just need to include "TMC4U" in your entry title, and also in your blog post you must tell what TMC4U digital product you used and link to it.  
Awesome right!!!  
ALSO, if you would like to use a digital product from Taylormadecards4u, she has generously provided a discount code to receive 20% off your digital order!!!
Code is Crafterscastle

Please review the CHALLENGE RULES (see tab above)

I'm happy to announce September's winner of the
Please contact Janie at
to claim your prize!!!
And here is a badge for you to proudly display

And now to announce the fabulous TOP 3 
in numerical order

I hope you proudly display your TOP 3 badge

And now for some inspiration from Crafter's Castle design team AND Taylormadecards4u design team!
The kit we are using this month is the